wire deep inside harness |
Wolfsburg Tech
(478) 745-6989
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have lots of wires running all over to each and every electrical item.
These wires are not draped willy-nilly through the vehicle, that would
be a mess. So, the wires are bundled into harnesses. As wires reach their
components, they break out of the harness like a branch. In German, wiring
harness is Kabelbaum. Kabelbaum literally translates to "cable tree".
Considering how the wiring harness is thick at one end and branches off
in tangents, "cable tree" is a very good analogy.
this job, this Beetle had some serious running problems. The customer
said they had just recently bought the car and it would shut off at random
times. They were getting sick of it. At their wit's end, they dropped
it off at our shop.
test drive - if you could call it that - revealed that the engine shut
off when the transmission was placed in drive. It would idle OK, but put
that puppy in drive and it would die. The engine trouble codes were complaining
about injector power going away intermittently. Given that information,
I surmised that a wire was getting a poor connection. With an assistant
keeping the engine running, I started pulling on the wiring harnesses
in the engine bay. One harness in particular would shut the engine off
when pulled. I also found that the injector power wire was losing power
at the same time.

knew it was a wire connection problem. I removed the battery and
air filter for access to the wiring harness.

found the fault in the wire. It was mis-manufactured. The wire was
broken inside the insulation.

closer inspection, the strands of wire were not cut, nor fatigued.
The insulation was not marred in any way.
pulled some parts off the car for access to the wiring harness and opened
it up to find the bad wire. Some test equipment was handy in pinpointing
the location of the break inside the wire. Once found, I cut the bad section
of wire out, soldered in a new piece, insulated the solders with heat-shrink
tubing, and reassembled the harness and the rest of the car. Afterwards,
the car ran like a dream and the customer was tickled. That's what we
call "pulling a rabbit out of your hat".

cut into the wire to find the fault in the strands.

is the best electrical repair

shrink is insulation and protection.
This page
last updated 07/21/15 by Rick Sherrod.